aquatherm supports architects and designers in 3D modeling with BIM files
Dear aquatherm partner,
This TechNews issue is focused on the subject of Building Information Modeling (BIM). On the following pages we would like to give you an overview and recommend the following video.
Let us jointly advance the BIM subject with our customers. Thus, we show again that aquatherm thinks and acts as trend-setter.
For any further questions, please contact Andreas Buhs and Matthias Konze.
By the way: We are now providing our customer with BIM-capable data in Revit format to be downloaded from our websites:
aquatherm Germany
aquatherm North America
Best regards from Attendorn
Dirk Rosenberg
What is BIM?
BIM „Building Information Modeling“ is a method to plan, execute and manage building projects based on a virtual building information model. It offers a central administration of all information relevant to the project, thus being the logical development of individual digitizing measures in the building sector.
Who needs BIM?
By means of BIM, building owners, designers and specialist engineers, contractors, facility managers and service providers optimize the planning, conceptual design, execution and administration of buildings and infrastructure. There will also be a considerable advantage in competition for manufacturers, if they provide high-quality technical product information, tender drafts etc. for BIM.
Is BIM useful for architects and engineers as well?
Yes, it is. BIM does not only help them to offer better services, but also to present them to building owners. The detailed models allow a more specified calculation of costs and more precise scheduling. The effects of changes and variants on building and operational costs can already be judged more reliably at an early point of time. By means of a proven BIM expertise, especially smaller offices clearly increase their chances to be involved in major projects.
Is BIM also suitable for structural alteration works?
Yes, it is. For structural alteration works at first a model of the existing building is made that is subsequently interfered with a BIM model. Thus, the actual state of an existing building can be shown exactly. The total process of reconstruction can alternatively be presented in the model. The digital building documentation serves as safe base for designing, offer calculation, production scheduling, order documentation and invoicing.
Which advantages does BIM offer?
BIM allows a more accurate forecast of services and scheduling than before to all persons involved in designing, building and operating. Many works that so far have been done manually, such as the establishment of 2D plans or determination of quantities, can now be deduced from the model automatically, promising the permanent availability of a current design status for all persons involved. The construction progress can already be simulated at an early point of time. By this, the number of change processes is reduced and a higher degree of prefabrication is possible. By means of BIM, the collision test is easier to do and is less fault-prone. Thus, BIM also gives safety of design and reduces costs. After completion of the building, the BIM database serves as base for a safe and efficient operation of the building.
In which phases of design, construction and use will it make sense to use BIM?
A big advantage of BIM is to combine all important information over the total life cycle of a building. From the preliminary planning to demolition, well-managed BIM databases provide reliable information that is quickly available about the physical and functional properties of a building.
Does BIM lead to an increase of planning costs?
Experts assume that the introduction of BIM brings about a shift in costs in direction of the early service phases, but no increase of planning costs. A professional handling with BIM in contrast ensures to reduce considerably planning errors and change processes, thus in the end having a cost-cutting effect.
What is Open BIM?
Open BIM stands for open interfaces in case of data exchange between various software. This ensures increased mutual processes in designing, realization and operation. Open BIM represents the software neutral basic requirement for an effective processing of projects without data losses and media breaks, and is considered as unrivaled future method in the building sector.
How do the legal conditions look like?
In January 2014, the European Parliament already passed a guideline saying that all member states of the European Union are to promote the use of BIM for the realization of publically financed building and infrastructure projects. In the Netherlands, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland and Norway the use of BIM is yet compulsory today. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has presented a plan by stages within the scope of the digital agenda, compulsorily providing the use of BIM for major projects as of 2020.
Will BIM become accepted in Germany?
BIM has already been widely used in many countries. It is regarded as standard in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and the USA. Due to BIM‘s proven efficiency experts forecast that it will also become accepted throughout Germany within short time. As of 2020, BIM is to be used for all new infrastructure projects of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to be planned according to the proficiency level 1.
Why should you make yourself familiar with BIM already now?
In the German competition, definitely the capability to handle BIM is currently a clear advantage in competition. The method significantly increasing the safety of planning, scheduling and costs besides offers individual surpluses to any company involved in the building value chain and its projects. Furthermore, it is just a question of a few years until BIM will also count among the basic knowledge in this country.
By means of BIM, building owners, designers and specialist engineers, contractors, facility managers and service providers optimize the planning, conceptual design, execution and administration of buildings and infrastructure. There will also be a considerable advantage in competition for manufacturers, if they provide high-quality technical product information, tender drafts etc. for BIM.
Is BIM useful for architects and engineers as well?
Yes, it is. BIM does not only help them to offer better services, but also to present them to building owners. The detailed models allow a more specified calculation of costs and more precise scheduling. The effects of changes and variants on building and operational costs can already be judged more reliably at an early point of time. By means of a proven BIM expertise, especially smaller offices clearly increase their chances to be involved in major projects.
Is BIM also suitable for structural alteration works?
Yes, it is. For structural alteration works at first a model of the existing building is made that is subsequently interfered with a BIM model. Thus, the actual state of an existing building can be shown exactly. The total process of reconstruction can alternatively be presented in the model. The digital building documentation serves as safe base for designing, offer calculation, production scheduling, order documentation and invoicing.
Which advantages does BIM offer?
BIM allows a more accurate forecast of services and scheduling than before to all persons involved in designing, building and operating. Many works that so far have been done manually, such as the establishment of 2D plans or determination of quantities, can now be deduced from the model automatically, promising the permanent availability of a current design status for all persons involved. The construction progress can already be simulated at an early point of time. By this, the number of change processes is reduced and a higher degree of prefabrication is possible. By means of BIM, the collision test is easier to do and is less fault-prone. Thus, BIM also gives safety of design and reduces costs. After completion of the building, the BIM database serves as base for a safe and efficient operation of the building.
In which phases of design, construction and use will it make sense to use BIM?
A big advantage of BIM is to combine all important information over the total life cycle of a building. From the preliminary planning to demolition, well-managed BIM databases provide reliable information that is quickly available about the physical and functional properties of a building.
Does BIM lead to an increase of planning costs?
Experts assume that the introduction of BIM brings about a shift in costs in direction of the early service phases, but no increase of planning costs. A professional handling with BIM in contrast ensures to reduce considerably planning errors and change processes, thus in the end having a cost-cutting effect.
What is Open BIM?
Open BIM stands for open interfaces in case of data exchange between various software. This ensures increased mutual processes in designing, realization and operation. Open BIM represents the software neutral basic requirement for an effective processing of projects without data losses and media breaks, and is considered as unrivaled future method in the building sector.
How do the legal conditions look like?
In January 2014, the European Parliament already passed a guideline saying that all member states of the European Union are to promote the use of BIM for the realization of publically financed building and infrastructure projects. In the Netherlands, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland and Norway the use of BIM is yet compulsory today. In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has presented a plan by stages within the scope of the digital agenda, compulsorily providing the use of BIM for major projects as of 2020.
Will BIM become accepted in Germany?
BIM has already been widely used in many countries. It is regarded as standard in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and the USA. Due to BIM‘s proven efficiency experts forecast that it will also become accepted throughout Germany within short time. As of 2020, BIM is to be used for all new infrastructure projects of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to be planned according to the proficiency level 1.
Why should you make yourself familiar with BIM already now?
In the German competition, definitely the capability to handle BIM is currently a clear advantage in competition. The method significantly increasing the safety of planning, scheduling and costs besides offers individual surpluses to any company involved in the building value chain and its projects. Furthermore, it is just a question of a few years until BIM will also count among the basic knowledge in this country.
Source: TÜV Süd AG