aquatherm black system
The aquatherm black sytem won the award for the following important features: High quality ,design ,ease of use and ecological function.The jury's statement states:The aquatherm black system offers pleasant conditions in the area with no noise or air currents.The surface temperature of panel heating/cooling , made from corrosion resistant polypropylene is driven to a few degrees above or below the desired room temperature as required .This ensures a fast radiation alternation which causes a pleasant warmth os coolness without the presence of dust.
The flexibility of the system was another reason that persuaded the jury: The high quality aquatherm black system can easily be installed in walls , floors and ceilings . In addition the system is very energy efficient and the jury praised the automatic and silent transition from heating function to cooling.
"We are very happy about the award for our aquatherm black system , it is an incentive for us to continue to focus our work on the development of innovative products", explains Dirk Rosenberg , together with his brothers Maik and Christof , managing director of aquatherm .
With an international and independent panel of experts from 80 industries ,23 strategic partners more than 700 participating international brands , the "Plus X Award" is today the world's largest innovation prize for technology , sport and lifestyle . It distinguishes the brands for the quality and innovation advantage of their products. The innovation award was launched 16 years ago as a project to protect enhance the brand.